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I created the Christian Perspectives website from years of biblical journaling. Each entry will help and encourage you with practical insight on verses of scripture. As you meditate on these biblical truths, allow the Holy spirit to speak to your heart. They are also written so you can apply God's Word to your life. Check out all the resources I offer below and sign up to receive 2 new journal posts sent to your inbox each week. They are Free as are many of the resources!

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Christian Perspectives - When You are Depressed And Feel Far From God

When You are Depressed And Feel Far From God Greetings Reader Have you ever felt so depressed that it seemed like everything was going against you? Even David in Psalm 13 experienced a depressed state of mind. Four times he asked of God, "how long?" · How long will you forget me? · How long will you look the other way? · How long must I struggle? · How long will my enemy have the upper hand? Fortunately David didn't stay in that mindset. Depression doesn't need to get the best of us. It...

The Lord Is Our Strength, Whom Shall We Fear Greetings Reader What assurance do we have that the Lord is with us and will provide us with His strength? Outside of our own experiences with Him, the only other assurance we have is the Word of God. David wrote many of the Psalms that encourage us to worship, praise and trust God through all our circumstances. Psalm 27 focuses not so much on David asking God to get rid of his enemies, but instead that his relationship with the Lord would grow...

Stand Before God And Declare His Praises Greetings Reader Could you stand before God and say the words David wrote in the final verse of Psalm 26? He said, Now I stand on solid ground, and I will publicly praise God. David did not live a perfect life. Once, God sent Nathan to David to expose a series of sins that David wanted to keep hidden. Yet, throughout the Psalms, we can read the evidence of David's changed heart. In today's Psalm, the king declared his innocence and the integrity of his...

Living Under The Shadow Of His Wings Greetings Reader Are you living under the shadow of God's wing? When you do, Psalm 91 reveals some great benefits of trusting your life to God. Here is how this Psalm ends. · I will rescue those who love me. · I will protect those who trust in my name. · When they call on me, I will answer; · I will be with them in trouble. · And I will rescue and honor them. · I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation. Psalm 91:14-16 Psalm 91 is one...

God Called Us To Be His Holy People Greetings Reader In the first seven verses of the Book of Romans, Paul made eight references to Jesus. In the seventh verse, he wants to assure his readers that God loves them and calls them His holy people. After encouraging his readers to live unashamedly by faith, he turned to the subject towards God's anger against sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. He said God abandons people when they partake of their shameful desires....

The Lord Is Good And Filled With Unfailing Love Greetings Reader Have you given any thought to what the Lord offers us compared to what we have to offer Him? It seems rather lopsided, doesn't it? David, however, in Psalm 25, offered God something He wanted. He said, "O Lord, I give my life to you." God wants your life as well! This Psalm lays out some benefits of trusting the Lord with your entire life. In other words, with who you are, what you do, and what you have. Then David, the author...

God Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself Greetings Reader In Psalm 139, David revealed the magnitude of God's presence in our lives. He said God examines the depth of our hearts and knows everything about you and me. This has to be one of the most encouraging Psalms in the Bible. It reveals to us how much planning the Lord did for our existence, which began well before our conception. He knows us, He loves us, and He wants us to spend eternity with Him. The fact is, nobody's birth was ever...

Why The New Covenant Is Better Greetings Reader In the Book of Hebrews we are told that the Old Covenant is obsolete. Does that mean we can disregard everything in the Bible before the gospels? I don't think so. The Old Covenant has its place but it won't get us to heaven. It will, however, point us to the one who fulfilled it. He is the only one who can give us entrance to His Father in heaven. Yes, His name is Jesus! I believe you will enjoy today's post. God Bless Robin Click here to read...

The Sound Of The Trumpet Greetings Reader In the Old Testament, when people heard the sound of a trumpet, it could mean one of many things. In the New Testament, it only has two meanings: the gathering of the church and disaster. In today's post we will look at when God established the trumpet and how He used its sound to signal His people. What we need to focus on though is what the sound of the trumpet means in the New Testament and when it will sound. Take time to read about the sound of...

Rejoice And Be Glad In The Lord Greetings Reader Good Morning, or whatever time you are reading this email. According to the calendar, today is Friday the 13th. Do you know what that means? Yes, we are one day closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Plus, it's another day for us to rejoice and be glad in the Lord. In the Psalms, David often made a contrast between the godly and the ungodly. He encouraged the godly to rejoice and be glad in the Lord. He also sent a warning to the...